Aga Lab Lithography Residency

In September 2023 Georgia spent a month working as an artist in residence at Aga Lab print studio in Amsterdam. During her residency she chose to research non-toxic stone lithography. Her explorations developed into a series of playful editions, contemplating this new and unfamiliar printmaking technique. 

Stone lithography is strongly connected to drawing and requires an organic and direct approach to mark-making. The tactile and traditional nature of the technique contrasts to Georgia’s usual printmaking mediums, prompting her to relinquish the control she normally has over her designs. Any painted or drawn mark added to a stone becomes almost impossible to edit, which gives her lithograph editions a sense of immediacy and freedom. Non-toxic lithography is also distinct from its traditionally toxic counterpart, leading to variations in the subtlety of the etching process as a result. This variability has encouraged Georgia to approach the technique with versatility, examining how traditional printmaking can be adapted to fit within a contemporary, sustainable print studio setting. 

The slightly surreal scenes Georgia depicts in her prints are influenced by a wide range of visual and written material, often including figures or animals as a narrative cue. She collects inspiration from children’s book illustrations, novels, poetry, frescoes, architecture and interior design. Sometimes she will combine characters lifted directly from or influenced by films or literature with interiors from her everyday life. Georgia watched a lot of Studio Ghibli as a child, and she has always been drawn to the hidden symbolism or dualism found in the animals, dwellings and characters from these beautiful films. Nothing is quite as it seems in the vivid, nature-saturated scenes of Princess Mononoke, My Neighbour Totoro or Spirited Away. While Georgia’s artistic style remains very different, the anthropomorphic animals sitting and sleeping in her lithographs relate in part to her love of these Studio Ghibli productions.

Above: Cradled Between Two Seasons, limited edition stone lithograph on cream BFK Rives, 170mm x 230mm, 2023

Above right: Cradled Between Two Seasons (light green variation), limited edition stone lithograph on cream BFK Rives, 170mm x 230mm, 2023

Above: Cradled Between Two Seasons (deep green variation), limited edition stone lithograph on cream BFK Rives, 170mm x 230mm, 2023

Above left: Surrounded, limited edition stone lithograph on cream BFK Rives, 180mm x 240mm, 2023

Above: Girl and Wolf, limited edition stone lithograph on cream BFK Rives, 170mm x 230mm, 2023

Above: Caught in Someone Else’s Dream (deep green variation), limited edition stone lithograph on cream BFK Rives, 170mm x 230mm, 2023